Our Vision

Queer Connect looks to celebrate the richness of our local queer community here in Naarm/Melbourne and aims to provide a hub for people to see themselves represented proudly and fiercely across communities and industries.

Initial Concept:

In our first campaign “CHOOSING LOVE” we showcased 13 local creatives from a variety of backgrounds and industries and explored what love and chosen family means to them.

We believe in connecting LGBTQIA+ people and supporting the community to forge unique and different pathways through autonomy and connection by providing an inclusive platform for a diverse group of people - diverse in their identities, their experiences and their craft.

The Idea was to foster a stronger sense of community across the arts in Naarm by bridging the gap between sectors and featuring artists from the Comedy, Theater, Drag, Ballroom, Fashion and Music Industries!

Current Objective:

Our vision extends beyond just showcasing talent; it's about connecting with the younger queer audience and ensuring they understand that there is a vibrant and proud queer talent pool right in their backyard.

This idea sparked from Nathan’s (Creator of Queer Connect) own experience throughout schooling, constantly pressured to pursue tertiary education and feeling overwhelmed by the expectation to excel in a school system that doesn’t often reflect the interests, nor offer insight into the pathways available to queer artists.

Queer Connect strives to highlight that a career in the arts is possible, and not just in Hollywood or on Broadway, but here in Naarm. We encourage queer people to take up space in our local communities, and through Queer Connect we hope to offer insights into some of the many different beautiful career pathways in the arts that incredible queer creatives are already forging around Naarm, as well as promote the events in these sectors.

The hope is by following the talented artists showcased in Queer Connect, and by keeping up to date with our event promotion page younger queer creatives and those of our LGBTQIA+ community who are searching for a deeper sense of community can find the spaces and forge those paths for yourselves!

Future Aim:

The Aim for the future of Queer Connect is to follow up our first campaign “CHOOSING LOVE” with a plethora of on going campaigns, events and projects, shining a spotlight on as many of the talented queer artists here in Naarm and our greater home of Australia as possible!

We believe that Queer Connect can serve at the very least as a time capsule of the beautifully diverse and talented creatives who were and are striving to create space and community in Naarms creative scene during this time.